We Were Never Going to Get the Suits Made…
Stories About Stories About Stories
And the drive into the depths beneath
There’s Not Enough Love…
Out of the Blue and I Started To Fly
Together We’ll Be
Hifi Poptimism with Elvis Depressedly
Photos courtesy of Amanda Silberling at amandasiberling.com Interview with Mathew Lee Cothran of Elvis Depressedly/Coma Cinema Back in March Steve got to interview Mat Cothran for our favourite Vancouver music magazine Beatroute. While appropriate for the format, soooooo much had to be cut! So now we’re going to the other extreme with an almost raw transcript of […]
Not Lazy, Just Easily Distracted
Where the hell have we been? One of the problems with being a DIY band is that when you dedicate yourself to doing things yourself, you have to spend time actually figuring out how to do the things. Sometimes these are things that you can learn rapidly, execute, and forget all about them – like […]