Summer – New Song
The best song is a finished and released song, so go sit in the corner other songs I can’t bring myself to listen to again to keep tweaking the sibilance. Back in May Oliver from the band Bellows opened up an invitation for anyone to participate in a song a day challenge. It was a […]
Gun Control Song of the Day – Ryan Adams “Halloween”
Last night on my way home from the Alex Cameron charm your face off experience I ducked into a cafe/bar that just started a new open mic night. Open mics are curious creatures, though uniformly named and conceptualized each is very different. Some are baby artist play pens, where one in ten songs might be […]
Gun Control Song of the Day – Eboueurs by Croque Madame
A lifetime of laissez faire living was insufficient preparation for the griefing wave. Folk lore would have you believe bad things only came in threes before a period of respite. But if that were true then the qualifications for bad were jacked up by 137% and that meant the new normal was an experience […]
We’re Getting Radio’d
Thought it might be a fluke, but if it is it’s an extended one which goes to show you can sometimes trust a monkeys paw! It’s our second week on the CITR charts, and we have a new enemy in Gum Country, because they are a few slots ahead of us and I keep initially […]
Gun Control Song of the Day – Mitski “Townie”
The neck cramp used to be the distinct malady of the big reader or the overly ambitious and generous lover. Yet, almost instantly our spines curved downwards towards our phones. How shocking one found this when they finally noticed directly corresponds with the degree of neck ache. To the shoulder blades? “Oh, so this is […]
Gun Control Song of the Day – DUMB “Mustang Law”
There’s a phenomena in Canada, and probably any other cold place but the experiential science that informs the following only relate to Canada, in which the outside tries to kill you. Often this intent is obvious, windows scab over with a crystalline pattern that represents the end of entropy in death, doors refuse to open, […]
Gun Control Song of the Day – Ben Folds Five “Evaporated”
Don’t you know that I’m young and I can’t feel a thing at all and it’s all smiles and business until I’m indifferent to the loss. They’re not the exact words but they’re the ones that came to mind and as I run the chords again and again they’re the ones that feel just right. […]
Gun Control – Volume 1 – Now Available!
We did it. We did it months and months ago. We were ready to do this, but the Universe did not want this to be done. We’re now on way better terms with the Universe, going to hang out and play foosball on Thursday. So now it is done, and all that’s left to do […]
Gun Control Song of the Day – Liz Phair “Stratford-On-Guy”
Photo by Mark Payerl Exile In Guyville by Liz Phair is a track by track response to The Rolling Stones Exile on Main St. Phair has said she tried to treat each track as a response to Mick Jagger’s corresponding track. Phair elaborated with Rolling Stone in 2010: So “6’1″ ” equates to “Rocks Off.” […]
Gun Control Song of the Day – Sloan “People of the Sky”
While it wasn’t quite right, there was no more time to mess with the skinny red tie. The last song had been written, recorded, and released 17 years prior. The last commercially relevant song had come out 14 years prior to that, as supply far outweighed demand, and no marketing could overcome the iron grip […]